Wanna hear some truth? I’ve been kitesurfing professionally for 5 years and during that time, I’ve made a point of testing ALL the gear that’s out there! Having ridden every major brand in the game, I’ve come to ask myself: IS THIS THE BEST BAR IN THE WORLD?
Get Big Air Gear:
▶︎Get my Big Air Guide for free: https://www.gethighwithmike.com/get-high-fast/
▶︎Get the app for free: https://thesurfr.app/gethighwithmike/
▶︎Board mount:https://shop.thesurfr.app/?ref=ghwm
▶︎Waterproof pouch: https://shop.thesurfr.app/?ref=ghwm
Get the Sail Video System SHOULDER Mount:
👨🏻🏫B o o k a B I G A I R a n d O L D S C H O O L C L I N I C : ▶︎https://www.gethighwithmike.com/
🤳Follow me here:
▶︎Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gethighwithmike.kite/
▶︎Facebook: https://fb.me/gethighwithmike
▶︎Website: https://www.gethighwithmike.com/
🚗Gear I ride:
▶︎CORE Xr Pro 7,8,9,13.5. Sensor 3 Pro Bar (22m on 9m and smaller kites. 24m on 10m+). ▶︎Carved Imperator 135cm. CORE Union Comfort straps.
▶︎Ride Engine Elite Carbon Harness (Small) with 8 inch spreader bar
▶︎Ride Engine Empax Impact Vest (Small)
#kitesurfing #kiteboarding #bigair
💻Edited by Brendan Pieterse