Coming soon | Behind the scenes in the Philippines | North

Behind the scenes in the Philippines North Series.

14 days in the Philippines while warm Amihan trades blow constant side-onshore. Journey with the North team, as we navigate her islands in bangka boats, stretching daylight beyond sundown.Come behind the scenes,
in the Philippines.

Featuring, @Jesse.Richman @NickJacobsen @marcjacobskite @capucinedelannoy8864 Camille Delannoy @KarlieThoma @chucho_nonnot @fabianmuhmenthalertarifa @tombridge5009

🎥 Aalvaa @Slaterneborsky Morgan Blackmore, Frankie Berthuot, @protographyofficial

#WeAreNorth #North #ItCalls #NorthKiteboarding #RunFlyBe #NorthFoils #Philippines #travel #Kiteboarding #Kitesurfing #Winging #Foiling #WaterSports #Adventure #OneNorth




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