My merchandise:
Welcome back to stage 3 of the Dakhla Down Wind challenge 2024, as I shred down the coastline of the Sahara Desert with my dad! Taking him away from the comfort of home and into the middle of the wilderness as we attempt to kiteboarding 500km into the un-known. From Dakhla to the boarder of Mauritania…
As we get into day three, the endurance side of the challenge starts to set in. Everyone starts to get tired, but light winds in the mooring allow for a bit of rest before we set out on the next four hour down wind stint! Coming across massive ship wrecks as we go down the coast, you have to watch out not to get stuck on them, or worst case damage your kite whilst in the middle of no-where! This really is a wild adventure!
Getting to land, setting up the tents and eating a feast was just what we needed! Stay tuned for the final edit from this mission… arriving at the worlds most dangerous land boarder! Western Sahara and Mauritania!!! Will we make it…
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