I tried the JANEK LOOP | Big Air Kitesurfing

Janek Grzegorzewski invented this trick in 2020. It’s only taken me 3 years to muster up the courage to go for it! 😂 I hope you enjoy watching me push my limits! Be sure to stay tuned until the end for an update from Janek, and for the sage advice that will help you stay safe whilst pushing your limits out there on the water. NYEEEOOOWWW!

▶︎Get my Big Air Guide for free: https://www.gethighwithmike.com/get-high-fast/

▶︎Get the app for free: https://thesurfr.app/gethighwithmike/
▶︎Board mount:https://shop.thesurfr.app/?ref=ghwm
▶︎Waterproof pouch: https://shop.thesurfr.app/?ref=ghwm

Get Big Air Gear:

Get the Sail Video System SHOULDER Mount:

👨🏻‍🏫B o o k a B I G A I R a n d O L D S C H O O L C L I N I C : ▶︎https://www.gethighwithmike.com/

🤳Follow me here:
▶︎Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gethighwithmike.kite/
▶︎Facebook: https://fb.me/gethighwithmike
▶︎Website: https://www.gethighwithmike.com/

🚗Gear I ride:
▶︎CORE Xr Pro 7,8,9,13.5. Sensor 3 Pro Bar (22m on 9m and smaller kites. 24m on 10m+). ▶︎Carved Imperator 135cm. CORE Union Comfort straps.
▶︎Ride Engine Elite Carbon Harness (Small) with 8 inch spreader bar
▶︎Ride Engine Empax Impact Vest (Small)

00:00 The Janek Loop
01:25 Riding time!
04:16 Golden rule for you!
05:45 Update from Janek

#kitesurfing #kiteboarding #bigair

💻Edited by Brendan Pieterse




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